Monday, 10 October 2011

Specialist studies research in slapstick comedy

Little old sketch i did the other day which i jazzed up in photoshop to give a silent movie feel which works as an introduction i think.
For my Specialist Study my end product will be,
 "An educational narrative using a combination of slapstick and classic silent comedy to engage a young audience".
My key goals to achive in this first part of my specialist study are-

  • Short snippets of 10second animation clips.
  • Keep to an audience age range of - 4 to 7
  • Most likely be choosing a illustrated report over disertation.
  • Key medium will be stop motion.
  • Clips done on cannon slr and milo at uni.
  • Entering competition called Canimation and submit by 15/11/2011.

Documenting material which will be referenced starting with books,

Each book provides the keys to understanding a director's career,from their earliest projects to their most recent films, alongside a complete filmography and stills. The books were recommended for film students to use as a referencing resource which came clear they had to be mine especially for when writing my Illustrated report.

Dvd researching.
Taking advantage of my uni library resources after my much needed library presentation yet still appreciated, after speaking to one of my wise tutors on my specialist study.  Recommended some silent movie geniuses, which have been a good watch so far getting through a box set of Buster Keaton proving an enjoyable watch also noticing some rules of thumb and getting some ideas.

At the start only really seeing the period of silent films as Chaplin and of course laurel and hardy im glad i now am researching which is giving me more ideas.

Notes,research and more refrencing material will be more frequently be put up also more and more tests as soon as my copy of Dragon stop motion gets ordered which will be me set to stay in dark rooms for a couple of weeks and see a beard that even Gandalf would be proud of.

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