Friday, 11 November 2011

Ss1-Making sure the eyes don't pop out.

On the edge of ready to animate.

As you'll notice apart from the obvious of no eyes there isn't enough room for the eyes to move about and easily fall out so there must be a way around it without starting another puppet so I tried thickening out around the eyes did't really do much.
The next step was to have some tape blocking the eyes from falling out so get the right size tape latex it in place then paint on top but fit the eyes in first so the paint doesn't crack, thats another thing there isn't a lot of movement in the face so the paint does't have to strain on the movements(which causes cracks).

 Latexing several pieces of tape in place, the only problem was the tape being bright yellow the face colour didn't really match and so the whole head needed to be painted to also cover cracks from previous latex layers which weren't thick enough so peeled when they were touched.

As you'll notice trying out different pigments of skin tone but all turning out too pink.

Latex trying on the hand just after trying out a skin pigment and wanted to see how the colour changed with latex on top.
 Head painted and thickened around the eyes.

Base coat first,he's not tanned.

Plenty of space to get the eyes in and move the foam tape around the eyes.

First coat of second skin tone which will be a lighter version once paint try s.

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