Monday, 4 February 2013

Flip Animation Festival-Wolverhampton 1,2,3 November

2012 was a year of graduating and importantly to put a lot of time into my networking as you will have noticed through looking at past posts on the blog. This time i headed North to Wolverhampton a festival that i've gone to for the past 3 years mainly to enjoy new shorts that graduates have done, this time at a festival volunteer.
The first day was spent mainly promoting the event with signs and showing people directions to the much anticipated events, later that day was spent showing people what it takes to create a animation in the drop in workshop for anyone to come along.
Friday was finished with speaking with people who came along to the festival that i'd spoke to before at previous events that i've kept in touch with and seeing how their career is progressing with that creating new contacts.


Last but not least was the Gif the City-Wolverhampton at St.Peter's Church which i only found out about later on that day which was great i described it as people looking up to see fireworks and to see Animation projected onto a church with the sound of base which was totally different to the usual cinemas which accustomed to seeing an animation.

Saturday was Bright and early moving equipment ready for the greatly anticipated Gromit workshop with Jim Parkyn, this was great to help with after doing the workshop last year which was a good laugh  and seeing the end Gromit next to everyone else's which forms an army of personalised Gromits.

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